What to Do When BackupBuddy Installer Hangs on Step 2: Restoring Files

Sometimes when you are installing a blog package you may encounter a "hang" on "Step 2: Restoring Files". The page just stops working with plain white background leaving you no other options and there's no way to proceed. (Click image to view larger version)

blank canvass on step 2
Click Image for a Larger Version

This behavior is due to a "throttling effect"; because your activity may have exceeded a certain webhost limit. Mostly, this is caused by a very low I/O usage set by your webhost administrator. See the image below.

I/O exceed limit warning


In this case, the best solution is to do a manual file extraction and then skip file extraction when running the installation script. Here's how to do it:

1Firstly, check your installation files.

This is to make sure the installation files were actually extracted during your first installation attempt. (Click image to view larger version)

extracted files
Click Image for a Larger Version

You will know the install files are already extracted because you will see an "Existing WordPress installation found" warning when you restart the script. You may click the image to enlarge it.

existing wordpress warning
Click Image for a Larger Version

Rarely will the file be un-extracted during the first installation attempt. But if for some reason, the install files remain intact, you need to extract the files manually.

files not extracted

Also, if you have several blog packages to install and you know this problem is going to occur again (because of your web host's limit) then you may want to go on and manually extract the install files before running the script.

To extract the files on your own, just select and highlight the installer file then click the "Extract" button on your web host's file manager dashboard.

extract button

2 Now, restart the importbuddy script.

restart importbuddy script

Or simply refresh or reload the page.

refresh current page

Most of the time, there's no need to re-enter your password here.

3 On "Step 1: Select Backup to Restore", click "Advanced Options"

advanced options

4On the pop-up window, click "Skip unzipping or opening archive (for manual extraction)."

advanced options window

Click the little x button or just click anywhere on your screen to exit from the popup window.

5 Click the "Restore Backup" button.

restore backup button

6 That's it!

You should be able to continue your installation process on "Step 3: Database Settings". (Click image to view larger version)

step 3: database settings
Click Image for Full Version

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