How to Replace Affiliate Links Using the Search and Replace Plugin

One way to ensure that all existing affiliate links in your purchased PLR blog/s are replaced with your own links is using a search and replace plugin. There are several "search and replace" plugins at the WordPress plugin repository but we will be using the "Search & Replace" by Inpsyde GmbH.

1 If not yet installed, download and install Search & Replace here.

2 Hover your mouse over "Tools" then click Search & Replace.

search and replace menu

3 You may create a database backup by clicking the button "Create SQL File".

search and replace page

4 Now, click the "Search & Replace" tab (see screenshot above).

5 For PreMadeNiches PLR blogs, these are common data that you need to replace.

1. mzyne-20
3. BNyixdrekXzcJLHYUsHRwOzfXNZnROpAn7mn/aFB

Where: 1. Amazon ID, 2. Amazon Access Key ID, and 3. Amazon Secret Access Key

6 Change the data one by one. Start with Amazon ID.

7 Copy and paste the default/existing Amazon ID into the "Search for:" field then enter your own Amazon ID into the "Replace with:" field.

search field

8 Check "Select all tables".

9 Uncheck "Dry Run".

10 Select/Check "Save changes to Database".

check select all tabs

11 Click the button "Do Search & Replace".

Wait. The process may take longer depending on your database size, webhost, and internet connection. If successful, you'll see a report like this:

search and replace report

12 Repeat steps 6-10 for Amazon Access Key ID, Amazon Secret Access Key, and other data that you may want to replace.

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